Chronic lower back pain

Chronic back pain is common. To many, it seems as if there is no solution to this. In this context, chronic pain also has a cause and can often be significantly improved. However, it is not always the classical ways of medicine that provide relief.

There seems to be a weak point in the lower back, science believes. Too little consideration is given to the fact that naturals do not have back pain. They, unlike us, have not sat in school for many years and therefore have not shortened muscles to the extent that we have. Very central, and often forgotten in lower back pain, is a muscle attached to the lower lumbar spine.

The cause is often the shortening of the hip flexor muscle

The hip flexor muscle is considerably shortened due to all the sitting in the school years; to be precise, it is still the same length, but it is just no longer as elastic. However, the influence of this muscle is often forgotten due to its anterior-posterior position. Therapists often work on the causes of shortening muscles of the back and also the abdominal muscles. However, the hip flexor (psoas or iliopsoas) is usually attributed more to the hip. Therefore, it is often not treated with pain of the back. Yet he would be so important.

Pain is independent of wear

A fire alarm sounds the alarm when the house starts to burn, not when the house has burned down. If we consider what pain is for, it is only through an alarm function that pain becomes meaningful; the mere display of damage, on the other hand, would only torment the person. If one considers pain as a fire alarm, one would expect the pain to stop when the causes of the pain are turned off. Just like the fire at the fire alarm.

Muscular tension is not visible on pictures

The main problem in orthopedics, but also in pain medicine, is that while damaged structures such as herniated discs can be seen on images, the muscular causes, especially increased muscle tension, cannot. Muscles that are too weak also cannot be shown in pictures.

Although it is not quite true, because too strong muscles are often little infused with fat, too weak muscles fat. Attention is still paid to adiposity, but if a muscle does not have any fatty contractions, this is not perceived as pathological. In any case, and this is the problem, the muscular tensions are not clearly visible.

Muscle tensions too high

Due to a lot of sitting during the school years, most of the muscles are shortened. A shortened muscle has too much tension. Muscles that are too weak usually develop as a result of muscles that are too short. The muscles that are too short press certain structures together to such an extent that some muscles can no longer work properly. One example here is the deep back muscles. These are only too weak because other muscles, such as the hip flexor, are too short and impair their function.

Pain always indicates that it will get worse

As long as there is pain, this is an alarm signal from the body that more damage may occur. Like a fire alarm, the nerves fire off continuous pain signals that are supposed to stimulate people to change something about their plight. Only usually the problems are solved quite wrongly, which ensures that the pain does not go away, but on the contrary – becomes chronic.

Chronic pain must be solved differently

To solve the causes that make chronic pain, the shortened muscles must first be brought back to length. Only then can the muscles that are too weak be properly trained again.

Stretching is hardly possible

Stretching a muscle only goes a little bit at a time. Exercising a muscle is easier. This is the reason why often too little is done in treatment to bring the tense and shortened muscles to length and they are trained instead. It would be much more important to release the muscular contractions and the resulting tensions.

The trick that makes muscles elastic

To release a muscular shortening, the treatment requires pressing on the muscle insertion and doing so as long and as hard as possible. Of course, only so tight that it is bearable. As a result, the muscle can be restored to its original length, becomes elastic and the pressure on the neighboring structures is reduced. Such procedures are called elastopressure or osteopressure and should be performed by a therapist. Subsequently, regular stretching exercises can be used to keep the tension of the muscle low.

Pain let go

When the pressure is taken out of the tissues by lowering the tension of the muscles, blood circulation is better, nerves can conduct better and joints become more mobile. The intervertebral discs are relieved and the pain as an alarm signal is no longer necessary. The body simply turns it off because it does not expect further damage. So it is not necessarily pills and surgery that lead to a solution in the case of the chronic pain, but in many cases the pressure relief of the muscles is enough.

If you also suffer from chronic pain, why not look into the increased tension of the muscles and the possibilities of making the muscles elastic by applying pressure to the muscle insertion. Maybe it will be a help for you too.