We will explain to you why we generally recommend this therapy before sturgeoning. Follow the logical order or jump directly to Elastopathy & Elastopressure.


Yes, the sturfer is perfectly suitable in almost all cases:

  • Yes, if you just want to sit comfortably and healthily
  • Yes, for real prevention, if you don’t have back pain and don’t want to get any
  • Yes, if you have mild to moderate back pain
  • Yes, in most cases of severe, chronic back pain.
  • Maybe if you have spinal stenosis or some other serious change in the spine (see list below).
  • No, if you have an artificial hip joint or true hypermobility syndrome.

The sturfer is suitable for everyone to treat shortened muscles with stretching. Very few people should use the Sturfer only after medical clarification, these are people with a real hypermobility syndrome, such a thing can occur in the context of an Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Furthermore, the sturfer is not usable for people with hip replacements. For all other people there are no restrictions.

How can I test if the sturfer really helps me?

There is a simple way to determine if the sturfer can also support you in becoming completely pain free or staying pain free. To do this, you must first do one of the therapies described below (elastopathy), which first makes your muscles elastic and then, as a second step, allows you to keep yourself pain-free with stretching exercises. If this form of therapy works and you remain pain-free with regular exercises, the sturfer can help you by taking over your daily exercises.

These therapies rely on treating the receptors (sensing devices) in the muscle insertion that report the muscle’s tension state to the brain and regulate the muscle’s tension. These therapies are fundamentally different from most known therapies and are fundamentally different from physical therapy, physiotherapy, manual medicine, osteopathy, massage or other muscle treatments. Dr. Behrendt described this very precisely in his book “Strong back without effort” (german).

The crucial solution to the problem of back pain is to restore the elasticity of the muscle and keep it permanently.

Dr. Christian Behrendt

Pain-free through a chair?

The Sturfer can help you become healthier and even pain free.

The Sturfer is used to maintain physical well-being or can improve, restore or support it. It is formally an office swivel chair and sports equipment in one product. The Sturfer is a lifestyle product, office swivel chair and sports equipment, but not a medical device.

The sturfer is intended for use on adults with regular anatomy of bones, joints, muscles and tendons.

Is the Sturfer the best office chair in the world?

Many chair manufacturers promise freedom from pain through the use of a chair. This may be possible. The Sturfer differs from all of these chairs in that it is the first office equipment that not only cancels the flexion of the hips, but actually counteracts and turns off the negative effects of sitting by hyperextending them. So far, there are stools and chairs that slightly reduce the flexion of the hip. Full extension of the hip is not made possible by any standing aid.

We assume that the straight stance is no longer possible in almost all people of Western civilization due to the shortening of the hip flexor muscles. Standing is also possible only with slightly bent hips. This leads to the formation of a hollow back. This hollow back leads to back pain even in most previously pain-free people after two hours of standing. Therefore, even standing is not healthy for most people, but it is better than sitting.

Permanent freedom from pain is possible

The Sturfer can help you stay pain free if pain relief has been achieved through specific therapy. You can find out exactly how this works by reading on. We generally recommend elastopressure as described below before each use of the sturfer.



Elastopathy consists of two successive parts.

  1. Elastopressure (also osteopressure): Improving the elasticity of muscles by applying prolonged pressure to specific muscle attachments or the periosteum next to the attachments. Sensors (receptors) built into the muscle attachments or free nerve endings in the periosteum regulate the tension state of the muscles.
  2. Stretching exercises: Daily regular stretching exercises as the second step (stretching is not the first therapy, but follows step 1 daily without interruption of more than one to two days each to the last stretch).

Online therapy & online coaching:

  • For people who really want to become pain-free and are willing to be coached intensively, there is the possibility of online therapy and coaching. However, the complete programme has to be booked here and there is an application process beforehand. More information from our partner Nachhaltig Schmerzfrei.

Therapy should definitely be done by a therapist. With instructions from the Internet, it is possible to perform self-treatment, but we expressly do not recommend it. If you become pain free with such therapy and then depend on daily stretching exercises to maintain pain freedom, the sturfer here can take you through the most important stretching exercises. You can use the Sturfer, in addition to your own exercises, to passively let the Sturfer do your exercises during the times when no exercises are possible. The stretching exercises are usually necessary every day, why do you find out here (follows).

If you do not become pain-free with the above therapies, the sturfer may not be able to help you. In these cases, there is usually a structural cause, i.e. a relevant change in your body structure, such as bony adhesions, congenital malpositions of the spine or severe wear and tear. A list of the causes we have identified that can, but do not necessarily, lead to treatment failure can be found here.

Other regions such as the thoracic spine, hip, knee and the calf can also be treated using the methods described and are useful as preparation for sturgeoning, but are not considered by us to be an urgent requirement.

All of these therapies fall under the term elastopathy. Elastopathy consists of two successive parts.

  1. Elastopressure (also osteopressure): Improving the elasticity of muscles by applying prolonged pressure to specific muscle attachments or the periosteum next to the attachments. Sensors (receptors) built into the muscle attachments or free nerve endings in the periosteum regulate the tension state of the muscles.
  2. Stretching exercises: Daily regular stretching exercises as the second step (stretching is not the first therapy, but follows step 1 daily without interruption of more than one to two days each to the last stretch).

The following types of therapy use elastopathy:

  1. Elastopathy and elastopressure as performed by Dr. Behrendt
  2. Pain therapy according to Liebscher and Bracht (therapy by therapists is mandatory, exercises from Youtube are not sufficient). Here you can find therapists who treat according to this method.
  3. Alternative, but different lasting effect due to different pressure technique: Pain therapy according to Hock (not to be confused with the Hock method).

Online therapy & online coaching:

  • For people who really want to become pain-free and are willing to be coached intensively, there is the possibility of online therapy and coaching. However, the complete programme has to be booked here and there is an application process beforehand. More information from our partner Nachhaltig Schmerzfrei.

It is expressly noted that each of the above therapies has its own criteria, which the founders of these therapies have established. These Therapies are independent of Sturfer and can also be carried out without Sturfer. Sturfer also does not endorse any statements made by therapy providers. The Sturfer is tailored to the biomechanics of the human being and uses them. As a preparation of the sturfing are suitable above therapies. An exact instruction is here (follows) listed. As a preparation of the sturfing are suitable above therapies.

The therapies can be performed as determined by the founders. It is also expressly stated that the above therapies must be carried out exactly as the founders specified, only then may the therapy be so called. However, the users of the above-mentioned therapies can also perform elastopathy according to Dr. Behrendt as a short variant, but then this therapy must not bear the original name.

Therapy should definitely be done by a therapist. With instructions from the Internet, it is possible to perform self-treatment, but we expressly do not recommend it. If you become pain free with such therapy and then depend on daily stretching exercises to maintain pain freedom, the sturfer here can take you through the most important stretching exercises. You can use the Sturfer, in addition to your own exercises, to passively let the Sturfer do your exercises during the times when no exercises are possible. The stretching exercises are usually necessary every day, why do you find out here (follows).

If you do not become pain-free with the above therapies, the sturfer may not be able to help you. In these cases, there is usually a structural cause, i.e. a relevant change in your body structure, such as bony adhesions, congenital malpositions of the spine or severe wear and tear. A list of the causes we have identified that can, but do not necessarily, lead to treatment failure can be found here.

Other regions such as the thoracic spine, hip, knee and the calf can also be treated using the methods described and are useful as preparation for sturgeoning, but are not considered by us to be an urgent requirement.

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1. elastopRESSUR


To make the muscle elastic or stretchy, pressure must be applied to the muscle insertion or the bone next to the muscle insertion. FOR PROPER USE, IT IS NECESSARY TO CONSULT A TRAINED THERAPIST. HERE FOLLOWS A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE. WE EXPRESSLY DO NOT RECOMMEND SELF-APPLICATION.

For about one to ten minutes, on average for two to three minutes, a constantly very high pressure must be applied. In any case, this pressure must still be well bearable at the border to a stronger pain. In some cases, it may even be necessary to press with up to ten to twenty kilograms at a time. You can try this out on a standard household body scale. It is necessary to press selectively on the muscle insertion (not on the muscle itself). The pressure can be applied by the tip of the thumb or a relatively firm tool that can yield easily – a wood is too firm, a fascia ball too large. The diameter should be about two to three centimeters. For example, a hard acupressure pusher made of polypropylene is suitable.

To make it especially easy, time-saving and not exhausting, simultaneous application on both sides can be done. For most points this is possible, only a few cannot be treated sufficiently on both sides, such as the insertion of the hip flexor (psoas muscle). This must be treated separately per side.

The points are located and searched with light circling to the place of the highest pain maximum, there the pressure is then applied selectively. However, the pressure should only ever be so strong that it is still easily bearable, even if the pressure strength is then far below ten kilograms if necessary. If there is significant pain at the point or significant radiation, it should be stopped because it could then be that a nerve has been pressed. However, radiation, even to quite unusual places, is not uncommon.

There is a reduction of the punctate pain after several minutes. The pressure pain does not stop, but it is less. Then you can stop pressing and press the next point.

Skin irritation for one to two weeks and local bruising are possible in rare cases, even with correct application. Therefore, a therapist should always treat. The pressure should be applied to the muscle insertion or the bone directly surrounding it. The periosteum itself should be handled carefully so that this sensitive periosteum in particular is not injured.

Elastopressure should be repeated once a week until the point no longer hurts relevantly when pressure is applied. If the pain does not decrease from week to week, in most cases the accompanying or subsequent stretching is insufficient. Rarely, another problem may be present. This should then be clarified by a specialist.


After elastopressure, the muscle must be stretched regularly. Each muscle or muscle group must be stretched for about three minutes. Alternatively, the sturfer can do the stretching exercises

Elastopressure with acupressure pressers

You can have the muscle attachments treated with acupressure pushers, for this you must first prepare the pushers. You will need 4 acupressure pressers, ideally made of polypropylene.


Two of the four pushers must be cut 2.5cm from the center with a knife or saw. The two resulting partial pushers can be moved closer together.


You should have all the points described below treated. We explain this to you in detail here, but we are not quite finished with this page yet. The pictures are still missing.

– Locate points while gently circling to the location of the highest pain maximum.
– There, apply punctual pressure with sometimes up to 10-20 kg pressure through the thumb (if necessary, try on scales).
However, the pressure strength should be well tolerable, even if the pressure strength is then also possibly far below 10 kg.
– If there is significant pain, it should be discontinued.
– Maintain pressure until the pinpoint pain subsides significantly, usually after 2-3 minutes (in the range of 1-10 minutes).
– If possible, the pressure should be such that your skin does not suffer permanent damage.


The pressure point at the base of the psoas muscle is one of the most important points of all for back pain, because this is where the hip flexor muscle attaches. For intrinsic elastopressure, the lateral position on the side to be pressed would be ideal. At the same time, the lower knee is bent about 90 °. The pressure point is then exactly in the bar. With the therapist you usually lie on your back, then the pressure point is usually 3 cm below the groin.


To find the pressure point more easily, the inside of the knee can be pressed against a hand, thus forming a gap at the hip between two muscles, between which the pressure point is located. STURFDOC-FOTOS-PANZERHALLE-20220423-052

In supine position, the leg can be bent 90° at the knee and then the lower leg can be placed on the other leg. This brings the bony insertion of the hip flexor muscle further forward. The pressure point is approximately at the level of the labia or the base of the testicles.

Other important treatment points
  1. quadratus lumborum
  2. piriformis
  3. rectus abdominis
  4. iliocostalis lumborum
  5. multifidi
  6. rectus femoris
  7. iliacus
  8. pectineus


Pain therapy according to Liebscher and Bracht


Our recommendation: 6 treatments at weekly intervals (3 treatments on the right and 3 on the left, or 3 treatments in the front and 3 treatments in the back) – we recommend these 6 treatments even for pain-free users. The reason: muscles that are no longer sufficiently elastic require about 3 treatments until full elasticity is restored. Since it may be necessary to treat a total of up to 20 pressure points per side, i.e. 40 points on both sides, this cannot be done in one session; instead, 2 treatments are required until all pressure points have been reached. We recommend waiting for at least 2 treatments to estimate a therapeutic success, with a single session this seems possible only in a few cases. A total of 6 sessions appear to be required).

Osteopressure points: at least 7 point regions per side (2.1.2, 2.2.2, 2.4, 2.8.1, 2.11.1, 2.12, 2.13).

Stretching exercises: at least 5 stretching exercises, 3 of which are bilateral (1F, 2A, 2D, 2E, 2F).

The therapist can add treatment points and stretching exercises according to the given treatment scheme or at his/her discretion. Certified therapists according to Liebscher and Bracht are obliged, if they offer this therapy, to follow an exact therapy scheme. We recommend this as well. Adding is always possible, omitting is not.

Pain therapy according to Hock

Book recommendation: Atlas of Hock Pain Therapy, Burkhard Hock, Verlag der Gesundheit, ISBN 978-3945368008

Treatment: sacral pain lower back/WS (each pressure treatment and stretching).


  1. quadratus lumborum
  2. piriformis
  4. glutaeus maximus
  5. rectus femoris
  6. glutaeus medius
  7. glutaeus minimus
  8. iliocostalis lumborum
  9. longissimus thoracis
  10. multifidi
  11. rectus abdominis

We strongly recommend the additional treatment also of the muscles

  1. iliacus


  1. quadratus lumborum
  2. piriformis
  4. rectus abdominis
  5. obliquus externus abdominis
  6. obliquus internus abdominis
  7. iliocostalis lumborum
  8. longissimus thoracis
  9. trapezius Pars ascendens
  10. multifidi
  11. semispinalis thoracis
  12. spinalis thoracis
  13. pectoralis major – Pars abdominalis
  14. glutaeus maximus
  15. glutaeus medius
  16. glutaeus minimus

We strongly recommend the additional treatment also of the muscles

  1. rectus femoris
  2. iliacus

Freedom of therapy

The therapist may add treatment points at his/her discretion in each case.