The Sturfer is a capital-intensive product. We have therefore offered to participate in the Lion’s Den in return for a large sum of money, which is required to reduce the manufacturing price of the Sturfer to such an extent that it becomes affordable for many people. In this way, we want to give many people new access to freedom from pain. Our favorite lion is Carsten Maschmeyer. He has always shown an interest in health issues and has one of the best networks for innovative solutions.
The development of the Sturf to date has been privately funded and grant funded. The development of exoskeletons and chairs with medical benefits is very complex. If you would like to join our fight against the cause of back pain as an investor, we would be delighted to hear from you.
We are looking for investments for the Sturfer and three follow-up projects. We offer you a return on investment with growth potential for the future. We have a highly motivated team and several relevant succession plans to ensure that your investment is put to good use in the long term and we are confident that we can offer you a successful return on your investment. Our project is unique and has the potential for future growth and long-term success.
Specifically, we need you as an investor to expand our growth and as equity capital for subsidies and to be able to build tools to reduce manufacturing costs, to achieve larger production batches and to improve awareness through advertising. However, we are just as interested in strategic investors with, for example, their own global sales network or manufacturing capabilities, particularly for the further expansion stages for our electric-digital models, sensor technology via skin and counter-pressure sensors as well as for topics relating to artificial intelligence and human-machine integration.
As we are not yet able to definitively estimate the composition of the investors, small investors are also welcome.
We would be very pleased to receive your inquiry. Please contact us at Your e-mail is sent directly and exclusively to the managing director and is not visible to anyone else in the company. Your request will be treated with absolute confidentiality.
The development of the Sturfer up to date has been privately funded and through grants. The development of exoskeletons and chairs with medical benefits are very laborious. If you would like to join our fight against the cause of back pain as an investor, we would be very pleased.
We are seeking investment for the Sturfer and three follow-on projects. We offer a return on investment with growth potential for the future. We have a highly motivated team and several relevant succession plans to ensure that your investment is put to good use over the long term and we are confident that we can offer you a successful return on your investment. Our project is unique and has the potential for future growth and long-term success.
Specifically, we need you as an investor to expand our growth and as equity for grants and to be able to build tools to reduce manufacturing costs, achieve larger production lots, and improve awareness through advertising. However, we are equally interested in strategic investors with, for example, their own worldwide distribution network or manufacturing capabilities, especially also for the further expansion stages for our electric-digital models, sensor technology via skin and back pressure sensors as well as for topics from artificial intelligence and human-machine integration.
Since we are currently unable to make a definitive assessment of how the investors will be made up, small investors are also cordially invited.
The crucial solution to the problem of back pain is to restore the elasticity of the muscle and keep it permanently.
Dr. Christian Behrendt